
We’re Back And Better Than Ever! | Personal & Business

It’s been six months since I’ve picked up my camera. It feels like an eternity, but somehow it also feels like it was just last week that I had my last session. Here’s why:

This past fall was awful. I’m not going to go into great detail right now (maybe that will be a post down the road), but I will tell you that it straight up sucked. We dealt with a LOT of loss. We moved away from our home. Which meant moving away from my very established business and amazing clients. People who I TRULY loved and felt connected to. It meant moving away from my amazing bible study group and great friends. We were making the most temporary move of our lives (10 months for my husband Tony to take one final year of college courses at Syracuse University), so I was really struggling with motivation to make any ties or really settle at all. During this time, we suffered some loses within our family. I also injured myself and was unable to run for a few months. I’ll admit, at time’s it was just a good old fashioned pity party… but a majority of the past few months has been pretty scary for my family and my focus was needed. Overall everything just culminated in a perfect storm and it was easier for me to withdraw than push through. Basically I just needed time to feel what I was feeling and process it all, so taking a step back from my commitments (and not taking on anything new) made the most sense.

Now I’m not one who believes in the wondrous tellings of fortune cookies, nor do I regularly seek life advice from take out boxes. BUT, these two fortunes that I got (back-to-back in my crappiest week) really gave me a nice little mantra and positive step forward.

SO why am I sharing all of this? Because it’s all about to change. Things are looking up around here and I’m SO excited to share it all with you. Tony is extremely close to graduation and he finished last semester on the Deans list YAY! We’ve been researching churches in the area to get involved with. Tony has a job with some awesome opportunities lined up. We’re looking into running paths and are excited to train for some local and destination races. We have a fantastic home picked out and I’ll have a sweet home office to help me get back in the swing of things. I plan on jumping in with both feet and am seriously giddy about getting back behind the camera!

This month marks the anniversary of Lyndsay Curtis Photography and I’m thinking it’s the perfect month to jump back in by honoring the old, but also looking forward to the new. To do this I’ll be sharing some of my past content (on our Facebook & new instagram). If you’ve been following our page for awhile, you may have already seen the images/blogs that are coming, but they’re classics in my opinion deserve a re-share. Be on the lookout for lots of my favorite photos and more info about our move to Virginia, as well as how you can book a session with me 😉 I’m ready to get back out there and embrace life one sunshiny day at a time!

Now lets end this thing on a happy note:  I want to share some of the POSITIVE things we’ve been doing these past few months: We have loved spending time with friends and family, we’ve gone to tons of concerts, traveled a bit, *tried* to enjoy the buckets of snow in upstate NY and spent lots of time at our happy place Walt Disney World, where I ran my first marathon.

Lots of love, Lyndsay

^ PS: Kudos to you if you really read all of that ^


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Lyndsay curtis photography

Coronado, CA & Beyond